Love in the Opera
Valentine's concert with the Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien live streaming from Vienna.
Tenor Oreste Cosimo (Italy) and Soprano Zoe Nicolaidou Zoe Nicolaidou- soprano (Cyprus) will perform famous opera arias that are focused on love, conducted by Konstantinos Diminakis Konstantinos Diminakis
The concert is organised by the Cultural Center of Central Macedonia Prefecture
Beethoven 2020 Concert Series - Grand Opening Concert
21 February 2020
Beethoven Year 2020 - 250th Birthday
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Konstantinos Diminakis - Conductor, Piano
Nicko Charalambous Konstantinou - Sopranist
Friday 21.2.2020 at 19:30
Kaisersaal, Klaviergalerie
Kaiserstrasse 10, 1070 Vienna
Entrance fee : 15 Euros, 10 Euros reduced fee
(additional 1 Euro charge for Paypal transaction)
Reservations : info@orpheuskammerorchesterwien.com
Tel : +43 676 693 4456
In 2020, Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien celebrates Beethoven's 250th birthday. The opening concert of our special series is a recreation of Beethoven's own Concert where he premiered his first Symphony Op. 21.
In April 1800, Beethoven presented for the first time his Symphony No.1 in Burgtheater Vienna. The Program included his Septet Op.20 and 1st Piano Concerto.
The concert is under the auspices of the Embassy of Greece in Vienna.
Musik und Poesie
29 March 2019
The Choir of Cyprus Music Schools Association joined by Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien are presenting selected Greek Poetry set to Music. A musical journey to the World of Poetry with more than 100 artists on stage.
29th March at 19:30
Ehrbar Saal Wien - Prayner Konservatorium, Mühlgasse 30, 1040, Vienna
Rafaella Charalambous
Magda Iacovou
Yianna Carolina Michailidou
Constantina Nicolaou
Maria Tsangari
Katerina Vassiliadou
Mariam Venizelou
Cyprus Music Schools Association Choir
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Konstantinos Diminakis - Conductor
Hosted by: Cyprus Music Schools Association - Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Pre-sales: €12 Adults, €8 Students (with ID & up to 27 Years Old)
Under the auspices of the Cyprus Embassy in Austria. with the Choir of the Cyprus Music Schools Association

6 April 2019
Dieses Konzert wurde vom 18. November 2018 auf den 6. April 2019 verschoben.
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Elisabeth Breuer Sopran
Monika Schwabegger Alt
Alexander Kaimbacher Tenor
Matthias Helm Bass
Brucknerchor Linz
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Martin Zeller Dirigent
Veranstalter: Kooperation mit dem Brucknerchor Linz
Preis: Euro 44,- / 39,- / 34,- / 29,- / 25,- // 50% Ermäßigung für Jugendliche und Studierende
Paulus - Brucknerhaus Linz
16 November 2018 - Verschoben
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Elisabeth Breuer - Sopran
Monika Schwabegger - Alt
Alexander Kaimbacher - Tenor
Matthias Helm - Bass
Brucknerchor Linz
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Martin Zeller - Dirigent
Veranstalter: Brucknerchor Linz
Preis: Euro 44,- / 39,- / 34,- / 29,- / 25,- // 50% Ermäßigung für Jugendliche und Studierende
Eros, Melos, Logos
12 October 2018
Eros, Melos, Logos
with Alkinoos Ioannidis and Maria Kostraki.
A musical journey to the past and the affinity of the Greek language with music,
with the accompaniment of the
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
under the baton of
Konstantinos Diminakis.
12th October 2018, 19:30
Ehrbar Saal
Mühlgasse 30, 1040 Wien, Austria
Ticket Pre-sale:
€ 25 , €15 Students (with student ID & max 27 Years old)
Tel. +43 676 693 44 56
Axion Esti - Brucknerhaus Linz
9 June 2018
Sa. 9. Juni 2018 | 18:00 Uhr | Brucknerhaus, Großer Saal
AXION ESTI | Mikis Theodorakis (*1925)�
Leitung: Konstantinos Diminakis
Brucknerchor Linz
Saint Ioannis Chrysostomos Chor
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
WALPURGISNACHT | Felix Mendessohn Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Leitung: Sigurd Hennemann
Brucknerchor Linz
Linzer Singakademie
Mendelssohn Philharmonie Linz
Karten: 44,-/39,-/34,-/29,-/25,- €
50% Ermäßigung für Jugendliche und Studierende
Kartentelefon: 0664 125 2000
Kartenreservierung per Mail : office@brucknerchor.at
Hommage an Konstantinos Kavafis
21 April 2018
Samstag 21.04.2018 um 18:30 Uhr (Einlass 18:00 Uhr)
Kleiner Festsaal der Universität Wien (Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien)
Eintritt frei
Dr. med. Athanasios Simoglou, Komponist, redet über das Thema „Der musikalische Seufze des Poeten“
Eine Reise in die Poesiewelt von Konstantinos P. Kavafis
"Brichst du auf gen Ithaka..."
mit Musik von A. Simoglou
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Musikalische Leitung: Konstantinos Diminakis
R.S.V.P. : pressinfo@griechische-botschaft.at
Neues Jahr Neue Musik
12 January 2018
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Angelina Georgiadi - Geige
Konstantinos Diminakis - Dirigent
Freitag 12.1.2018 um 19.30 Uhr
Bank Austria Salon im Alten Rathaus
(Wipplingerstrasse 8, 1010)
Werke von Copland, Arnic, Simoglou, Papageorgiou,
Eintritt: 15 Euro
Reservierungen : info@orpheus-kammerorchester.com
oder SMS an 0676 385 88 44
Variations on a Russian Theme
24 November 2017
Anna Marshania - Mezzosopran
Angelina Georgiadi - Geige
Konstantinos Diminakis - Klavier
Fr. 24.11.17 um 19.30
Johans Klavier-Salon
Paniglgasse 5, 1040 Wien
(freie Spende)
Reservierungen : info@orpheus-kammerorchester.com
oder an 0676 385 88 44
Maria Callas Galakonzert - 40 Jahre ohne La Divina
13 October 2017
'Maria Callas Galakonzert -
40 Jahre ohne La Divina'.
Justine Viani Sopran
Florina Ilie Sopran
Muratcan Atam Tenor
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Konstantinos Diminakis Dirigent
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen und ihre Unterstützung!
Mindestbeitrag: € 12
Freie Spende
Für Reservierungen:
+43 (0) 676 385 88 44
A Journey into the World of Poetry
30 March 2017
A Journey into the World of Poetry through the Poets of Konstantinos P. Kavafis and music by Athanasios Simoglou (composer). The Concert will take place at the Carl-Orff Saal of Gasteig in Munich.
Maria Kostraki (Soprano)
Elsa Giannoulidou (Mezzosoprano)
Timos Sirlantzis (Bariton),
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Michalis Economou (Conductor)
05 March 2017
"Voices" A Concert - experience through the Poets of the eminent Poet, Konstantinos P. Kavafis, who is considered the forerunner of modern Greek lyricism, uniquely combined with the Greek- styled melodies and music by the composer Athanasios Simoglou. The Concert will take place at the great Mozartsaal of Liederhalle, in Stuttgart.
Maria Palaska, Soprano - Alexandra Gravas, Mezzosoprano - Alex Tzovanis, Baritone - Florian Esche, Narrator - Internationale Chor der Staatstheater Stuttgart
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Konstantinos Diminakis, Conductor
Benefizkonzert - "Wir helfen Griechenlands Kindern in Not"
24 November 2016
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien is happy to announce and invite you to the upcoming charity Concert organised by "OESA", with title "Wir helfen Griechenlands Kindern in Not". The Concert will take place on Thursday the 24th November 2016, at 19:00, in Kursalon Wien. The Program will include works of Mozart, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Schubert etc. with the participation of Maria Kostraki - Sopran, Arabella Fenyves - Sopran, Elsa Giannoulidou -Mezzosopran under the baton of Konstantinos Diminakis.
Cultura Stella Nova
27 May 2016
A Concert organised by Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien for the Cultura Stella Nova, in Breitenfurt.
Konstantinos Diminakis - Conductor
Elsa Giannoulidou - Mezzosopran
Gustav Mahler - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
Maurice Ravel - 2 Melodies Habraiques
Jules Massenet - Meditation/Thais
Nikos Skalkottas - 5 Greek Dances
Manos Hadjidakis - Gioconda's Smile
The Concert will take place on the 27th May 2016 at 19:00, at Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt "Stella Nova Saal"
Rudolf Steiner Gasse 1, Ecke Breitenfurt Hauptstr.
2384 Breitenfurt.
21 April 2016
'Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien' happily presents the 'Trinitas' Concert. The Concert, supported by the Greek Embassy in Vienna, will take place on Thursday the 21st April 2016, at 20:00 in the 'St. Peters Church' in the centre of Vienna. The Program will include works from P.I.Tchaikovsky, A.Dvorak and J.Sibelius, with the participation of Elsa Giannoulidou (Mezzosoprano) and under the baton of Konstantinos Diminakis.
11 March 2016
Upon the completion of the Trilogy on the music setting of poems of Konstantinos Cavafy by the composer Athanasios Simoglou, we present the third and last Part of the Trilogy, with the name "Theissis" as well as the the new CD "Stimmen" which includes translated Poems of Cavafy, in the German language.
The songs that make up this unique creation, sing: Kyros Patsalidis (Baritone), Elsa Giannoulidou (Mezzosoprano), Vasiliki Karagianni (Koloratursoprano), Maria Kostraki (Soprano) and Arabella Fenyves (Soprano), accompanied by Orpheus Kammerorchestrer Wien under the direction of Konstantinos Diminakis.
The presentation too place in Rathauskeller Vienna.

Italian Embassy Opera Gala
10 March 2016
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien participated in a magical Opera Gala night which took place at the Italian Embassy. The program included works by Bizet, Lehar, Verdi and Strauss, sung by Baritone Kyros Patsalidis and Soprano Zoe Nicolaidou.

'Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien' in Musikverein
4 December 2015
The orchestra's yearly appointment with Musikverein's Brahms Saal and the Cyprus Culture Centre in Vienna was once again succesful. 'Orpheus Kammerorchester' along with singers K.Patsalides,A. Koroneos, Z. Nicolaidou, E.Giannoulidou K.Kouri and J.Karagouni performed famous opera arias and greek songs under the baton of K.Diminakis.

CD Recording
7 November 2015
Today Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien completed the recording of a new CD, Simoglou's Oratorio, in the legendary Sofiensaal in Vienna. So proud to be joined by Saint Chrysostomus Choir from Thessaloniki and two great soloists, Maria Palaska and Asterios Tsetsilas.
Alexis Zorbas - Brucknerhaus
7 November 2015
Today, a Greek legend, Mikis Theodorakis turns 90. On this occasion, the Brucknerchor Linz and the Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien will present the classical work of the composer "Alexis Zorbas" in Brucknerhaus-Linz, on 7th November with the participation of Saint Chrysostomos Choir-Thessaloniki and Mezzosopran Elsa Giannoulidou under the baton of Konstantinos Diminakis.
27 October 2015
It was such a great honor for Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien to be part of the 14th Musica Sacra Festival which took place at San Marco Duomo in Pordenone. The program combined the Biblical Songs by Dvorak performed by Elsa Giannoulidou, meaningful works of the greek composer Stavros Kouyioumtzis as well as works by P.I.Tchaikovsky and M.Ravel under the direction of Konstantinos DIminakis.

Charity concert for 'Anemoni'
March 27, 2015
'Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien' performed yesterday in Greek-Orthodox Church in Vienna for the "Pancyprian Association of the Protection of Spastic and Handicapped Children (Anemoni)''. The musical program included G.Mahler's 'Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen', Stradella's 'Pieta Signore' and others.

CD recording
February 2, 2015
We are proud to announce that 'Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien' is going to record a new CD with songs of the Greek composer Athanasios Simoglou, as part of his 'Cavafy Project'. The recording will take place in Vienna in March in the legendary 'Sofiensaal'.

'Puccini Messa di Gloria' in Stephansdom Vienna
January 15, 2015
'Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien' is returning to Stephansdom-Vienna for an Easter concert. Sunday 5th of April at 23:00, Puccini's Messa di Gloria, 'Orphean Singers Cyprus', under the baton of Yannis Hadjiloizou.

Skalkottas in Vienna
January 10, 2015
Members of ''Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien'' (A.Georgiadi-Violin, C.Thalassinou-Clarinet, K.Diminakis-Piano) will present 5 Greek Dances of N.Skalkottas, in their world premiere as a Trio arranged by Konstantinos Diminakis. Saturday, 24 January 16:00 Rathauskeller (Lanner - Lehár Saal) Vienna. Free entrance.

'Orpheus Kammerorchester' in Musikverein
18 December 2014
The orchestra's yearly appointment with Musikverein's Brahms Saal and the Cyprus Culture Centre was once again succesful. 'Orpheus Kammerorchester' along with 'Epilogi Choir' from Cyprus and singers K.Patsalides,J.Christopoulos,E.Giannoulidou and J.Karagouni performed famous opera arias and greek songs. Highlight of the evening : A.Georgiadi and C.Thalassinou, members of the orchestra, performing Kreisler's 'Miniature Viennese March', arranged for Violin and Clarinet solo by K.Diminakis.

'Sing to me Eros'
7 December 2014
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien & in cooperation with Polytropon Ensemble
illustrate a musical canvas of erotic poetry with dreamy melodies of Manos Hadjidakis as of the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the death of the great Greek composer.
Maria Kostraki (Soprano), Maria Zoi (Mezzosoprano)
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Konstantinos Diminakis - conductor
The poet Stavroula A. GATSIOU selects and reads excerpt from her collection
"Tools for War Prisoners of Love."
Rathaus Town Hall, Vienna, Austria.

'Orpheus Kammerorchester' and 'Polytropon ensemble' in Gasteig-Munich
November 14, 2014
'Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien' and 'Polytropon ensemble' are joining their forces in a concert dedicated to M.Hadjidakis. Soprano Maria Kostraki, Mezzo-Soprano Maria Zoi and Konstantinos Diminakis, will travel around the words of F.G.Lorca and N.Kazantzakis.

'Brücken bauen'
11 October 2014
"Building Bridges" a Concert at the Mozart Saal in Liederhalle Stuttgart.
Dionysios Tsousidis (Baritone)
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien
Konstantinos Diminakis - Conductor
Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien in Ehrbarsaal Vienna
29 March 2014
"Orpheus Kammerorchester Wien" unter the direction of Konstantinos Diminakis in a Concert at Ehrbarsaal Vienna.
Nefeli Mousoura (Piano)
Elsa Giannoulidou (Mezzosoprano)
The concert includes Works by W. A. Mozart, C. Debussy, M. Hatzidakis und M. Kalomiris.

Opera Gala in Musikverein
12 December 2013
Opera Gala in Musikverein-Brahms Saal,
Vienna, Austria

VOICES OF GREECE in Stephansdom
6 October 2013
A Journey from the Byzantine music to Mikis Theodorakis!
Katerina Kouri, Soprano
Elsa Giannoulidou, Mezzo-Soprano
Angelos Fotiadis, Countertenor NN, Tenor
Kyros Patsalides, Baritone
''Orpheus Kammerorchester'' Wien
Saint Ioannis Chrysostomos Choir
Thessaloniki (Director Chr.Stamoulis)
Under the Baton of Konstantinos Diminakis

Opera Gala in Musikverein
10 December 2012
Opera Gala in Musikverein-Brahms Saal,
Vienna, Austria
Under the baton of Konstantinos Diminakis

Musica d' amore - Musikverein
16 December 2011
Opera Gala Musica d'amore in Musikverein-Brahms Saal,
Vienna, Austria
Under the baton of Konstantinos Diminakis